It was 2001 when I went to Barbados to do a Leadership Training School with Youth with a Mission. Jessika was my room mate, along with other 10 girls? We clicked since day 1. While the school was coming to an end, I realised that my return ticket to Hawaii was not longer valid. Long story short, I ended up in Puerto Rico, in Jessika’s home. Her mother and all her family welcomed me as one of their own. The hospitality and love this family gave me it was really overwhelming. I stayed a little bit over 3 months. We went shopping together, we return the things we bought ( he he I found my other me in that area!!) , we exercise, we went for films and drove through El viejo San Juan with Diego Torres blasting from the stereo. She is just not a friend to me, she is my sister. She is always there for me, despise the distance. I can write her any time, she always replies right away. She helped me when I needed it the most, she prays, she sends gifts and letters through the mail, cause she knows me so well! I was so happy she came to visit and meet her goddaughter for the first time. I hope you can come back soon Jessika! We love you! This is my early birthday present for you!!