I remember those days when I could spend hours on the floor in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Being taken to the green peaceful pastures, holding hands with my master. Running to him, disconecting from the world just to enjoy a few moments of love , not just any love. His love, his never ending, unconditional love. His love running deep and deeper into my hungry and thirsty soul. The courses I took to learn more of him, to go deeper. The hours reading great books, the bible. The hours of prayer and worship. Those times were good. As a mother of 2 little ones now, I don’t have the leisure of those moments that last hours anymore. I mean, I do have those moments, but they don’t look the same. Also, they can get interrupted at any minute. And that is OK. His love is still the same. His presence is still with me. ” I’m enough ” He told me the other day. When I feel like I can never get on top of daily chores, or expand on my passions and dreams and I start to feel overwhelmed by the practical elements of life, including the nights where Lainey is not sleeping well, and every time Marc and I even try to have a conversation it gets interupted a million times (ok, over exageration but it can feel like that!) The times I can only say : Lord, help me…His quite presence surrounds me. He never fails. His loud presence says : ” I love you” ” you are the best mummy” ” Thank you mummy for playing beauty saloon with me today” and so on. His presence is clear and loud. His timing always impecable. His ways are always coming to find me. He is in all and through all, he is all to me.