” Don’t give up, don’t give up…if you want to give up, don’t give up, if you give up .. don’t give up. Princesses don’t give up…and we dance and dance and dance…holding hands, together we dance….” One of the songs Lainey, at age 2 wrote. She is surely and amazing little person. Whatever circumstance she faces, she deals a lot of her emotions through songs and writing. The other day I over heard a little tune ” Lemmy doesn’t want to play now with me, and I’m sad about it” . Lemmy plays so much with Lainey, they do play for hours but sometimes Lemmy needs his own time alone. When she gets things snatched from her hand from other kids, she sings : ” We don’t snatch…it is not nice…you must ask if you want something…you don’t snatch, you must ask nicely…if you do snatch a toy from my hand, then it makes me feel upset and I cry..” It is so lovely and powerful to hear this little girl dealing with her emotions, and the struggles at her age. I really don’t believe when people talk about the terrible 2’s. I can only see a little person who is discovering a new world around her, from marvellous things to others that are not so nice. They are told no quite a lot . The only way they can learn new things is by trying. How hard that must be for someone who wants to do everything on her own! She is Mrs independent. I love how she chooses what she wears and gets dressed on her own in the mornings. How she discovers where I keep emergency lollipops ( for travelling on airplanes is great when ears hurt!). She is curious, adventurous, fearless, wild, silly and so caring. I love how from holding her babies, singing lullabies and rocks them to sleep…she suddenly pretends to fall over and over with the most silliest of faces and expressions and voices to make us laugh. She is an extreme person for sure. She feels deeply, she loves so richly, she gives so much grace to all of our mistakes. When I fail and snap I apologise, then she is very quick to give me hugs and her eyes are so sparkly and full of understanding. Who is this little girl? She is still nursing, she is almost 3 and she loves her ” lechita” time. After all I went through with breastfeeding ( that’s another long post!) I found how valuable those precious times are and I’m so grateful. To be able to feed her with no pain and for her to play with my nose as she does, to look at me with love and smiles on her eyes. The tickles she gives me, the sweetness of her touch on my face, the love I received and I give, it is very special. The dances and shows she puts up for us to enjoy. The screams and another happy dance she does every time daddy comes through the door. The joy she has for all the friends she makes. She has such a desperation to become friends with everyone she meets. A random girl in the park, a little boy walking by ” They are my friends mummy” The curiosity and care she has over a little baby snail she sees on the street ” I must put him on the leaf so he can find his mummy there” . A friend to all. She adores her brother. She was so upset when Lemmy was so sick last month. ” I was so scared mummy” ” I don’t want to see Lemmy vomit again, I want him to be better” She follows him, she plays hours with his toys or games of interest ( lightsabers, legos, dinosaurs) She looks up to him, also she can boss him around! She is tiny but for sure she makes herself HEARD. I love how she tells me : ” Mummy, you are beautiful” . She compliments if I wear a dress, or put up make up or wear perfumes. Or just any day when I’m in my sweats. She loves new clothes, dresses must be big and they have to pass the ” twirl” test when she does it, otherwise a little cute pout will show in her lower lip ” it doesn’t twirl mummy”. She is all girl, and all wild. My girl, soon to be 3. She shines bright like the sun. Mi Sol.