I read a few days ago a quote ” Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful” . I don’t know by who? I loved it.
You see, going from single to married there were some changes. From two, to three more changes. From 3 to 4 big time changes! All babies are different and though we were able to travel and do lots of things with Lemmy, it’s not the same with Lainey. Since having her, life had to slow down a lot. We’ve had the most amazing, perfect, beautiful times together as well as the imperfect, messy, hard times together. I had been wanting to not struggle with stress in my life so much, I have been wanting to not stress over trivial things that are going to pass…the day already comes with enough things to deal with, that to add the silly things (that I can make such a big deal of at the time!) to that doesn’t make sense! In the big scheme they won’t matter.
My baby girl, has been teaching me to slow down, to leave more dirty dishes around, to go into fours and have a laugh, to snuggle with her at my side for her naps, to let her have naps on me even when she is almost 1. To love the imperfect moments, my messy house ( not so much) but to let go…trying not to stress over all the photos I still haven’t gone through, all the videos I missed recording…the list is too long.
Yesterday it was sunny. The colour of the leaves was gorgeous. The days are getting chillier and my warm tropical me, is finding it harder to leave the house…I made an effort. I took a few photos of Lainey in the leaves, she loves to explore, to crawl, to put things in her mouth…she loves it. She is free…she has the innocence that we all once had. She is free. I want her to be free always. Free of fears, free of stress, free of worries. As you can see, these photos are not a set up, her face is dirty, her nose is dripping. A lot of her clothes were on the ironing pile, the other half drying and in the dirty laundry. She is wearing all miss matched clothes. And it’s ok, because life is not perfect but it can be wonderfulI need to remind myself of these things daily…I really do!

Jess @ Along Came Cherry - Oh my goodness, she is so gorgeous! x
paolavj@yahoo.com - Thank you Jess!!
paolavj@yahoo.com - Thank you!! I just saw this message! man, I haven’t been around my blog for ages!! You should write a post about blogging/motherhood etc!! Tips needed!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by..I was looking at yours today but couldn’t leave a message, it’s probably me though! xx